About us EDUCAL - training and learning agency

O nás - Jazyková škola EDUCAL

We deal with each customer on an individual basis to meet their needs

EDUCAL is an educational agency that has been active in language teaching, translation and coaching for many years. Our primary focus is an individual approach to our clients. Whether you need to master a foreign language, improve your communication skills or use our translation services, we are fully tailored to your needs and requirements. Confidentiality and discretion are a matter of course for us. In the process of education, coaching and training, we focus on an individual approach to the client; in the case of groups, we respect their differentiation. Our trainers and coaches have a university degree, regularly participate in training and certification programs and have several years of experience in their field. They are trained in methodologies and procedures that allow them to adapt to the client's requirements and needs as much as possible. Translators with professional training and several years of experience carry out official and ordinary translations. individual approach to our clients. Bez ohľadu na to, či potrebujete zvládnuť cudzí jazyk, zlepšiť svoju komunikačnú sféru alebo využiť naše služby v oblasti prekladov, sme plne prispôsobený vašim potrebám a požiadavkam. Dôvernosť a dískrétnosť je pre nás samozrejmosťou.
V procese vzdelávania, koučingu a tréningov sa zameriavame na individuálny prístup ku klientovi, v prípade skupín rešpektujeme ich diferencionalitu. Všetci naši lektori a kouči majú dosiahnuté vysokoškolské vzdelanie, pravidelne sa zúčastňujú školení a certifikačných programov a disponujú niekoľkoročnou praxou vo svojom odbore. Sú vyškolení v oblasti metodiky a postupov umožňujúcich maximálne sa prispôsobiť požiadavkam a potrebám klienta.
Úradné aj bežné preklady vykonávajú prekladatelia s odborným vzdelaním a niekoľkoročnou praxou.

Our clients

MB Dunajská Streda s.r.o.

Veľvyslanectvo Izraela na Slovensku