Our language courses - your key to communicating globally

We offer a wide range of foreign language and Slovak language courses for foreigners that are tailored to all levels of language proficiency.

Kvalitné a profesionálne jazykové kurzy za dobrú cenu - EDUCAL jazyková škola

A place where you learn intercultural communication skills

We offer top-quality language courses, exams and certificates preparations. The learning process is designed to meet the needs of each client, respecting their uniqueness and personality. Our goal is to help individuals and organisations communicate effectively in a global environment. vyhovoval potrebám každého klienta, rešpektujúc jeho jedinečnosť a osobitosť. Naším cieľom je poskytovať kvalitné a prispôsobené jazykové vzdelávanie, ktoré pomáha jednotlivcom a organizáciám efektívne komunikovať v globálnom prostredí.

We offer different teaching formats, including online and face-to-face courses, enabling flexibility and comfort when learning. Prezenčné kurzy prebiehajú v priestoroch klienta, čím šetríme jeho čas s plným rešpektovaním jeho pohodlia. Bez ohľadu na vaše jazykové ciele, náš skúsený tím lektorov je tu, aby vás viedol na vašej ceste k language proficiency

Our language courses

English language course

German language course

Italian language course

Spanish language course

Russian language course

Ukrainian language course

Slovak language course

Language courses - price

Affordable and flexible pricing structure available to everyone. The cost of a language course depends on a number of factors.

  • Individual course
  • Group course
  • Length and intensity of the course
  • Form of teaching - online/face-to-face/hybrid

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

How do I choose the right course for me?

Your language goals and level will determine which course is right for you. We provide diverse courses tailored to various languages and proficiency levels. Beginners can start with courses focusing on basic concepts, while advanced learners can choose courses emphasising specific skills or academic/professional requirements. We suggest consulting with our team to identify the course that best suits your needs and goals. s naším poradenským tímom, ktorý vám pomôže identifikovať kurz, ktorý najlepšie zodpovedá vašim potrebám a cieľom.

What learning options do I have?

With online, face-to-face and hybrid courses, we offer a variety of learning options. Online courses provide the flexibility and convenience of learning from the comfort of home or the workplace. Face-to-face courses are ideal for clients who prefer a more personal approach and more interaction. Elements of both formats are combined in hybrid classes. Depending on their preferences and learning styles, students can also choose between individual and group instruction.

What is the duration of a language course?

Course duration varies depending on the type of course, language and client level. Basic courses typically last a few weeks, while advanced and specialised courses can take several months. The overall length of the course is also influenced by the intensity of instruction and the number of hours per week. Our courses are tailored to achieve maximum results in the shortest possible time without compromising on the quality of teaching.

How qualified and skilled are my teachers?

All teachers are highly qualified, with extensive experience in language teaching and linguistics. They receive regular training in language teaching methods, ensuring their knowledge is transferred to you effectively and dynamically. We guarantee the highest quality teaching through regular teacher training and evaluation.

Where can I enrol?

Courses are location-independent. We offer online language courses to clients all over Slovakia.

  • Bánovce Nad Bebravou, Banská Bystrica, Banská Štiavnica, Bardejov, Bojnice, Bratislava, Brezová Pod Bradlom, Brezno, Bytča. Čadca, Čierna Nad Tisou, Detva, Dobšiná, Dolný Kubín, Dubnica Nad Váhom, Dunajská Streda, Fiľakovo, Galanta, Gbely, Gelnica, Giraltovce. Handlová, Hanušovce Nad Topľou, Hlohovec, Hnúšťa, Holíč, Hriňová, Humenné, Hurbanovo. Ilava, Jelšava, Kežmarok, Kolárovo, Komárno, Košice, Kráľovský Chlmec, Krásno Nad Kysucou, Kremnica. Krompachy, Krupina, Kysucké Nové Mesto, Leopoldov, Levice, Levoča, Lipany, Liptovský Hrádok, Liptovský Mikuláš. Lučenec, Malacky, Martin, Medzev, Medzilaborce, Michalovce, Modra, Modrý Kameň, Moldava Nad Bodvou, Myjava. Námestovo, Nemšová, Nitra, Nová Baňa, Nová Dubnica, Nováky, Nové Mesto Nad Váhom, Nové Zámky. Partizánske, Pezinok, Piešťany, Podolínec, Poltár, Poprad, Považská Bystrica. Prešov, Prievidza, Púchov, Rajec, Rajecké Teplice, Revúca, Rimavská Sobota. Rožňava, Ružomberok, Sabinov, Sečovce, Senec, Senica, Sereď, Skalica, Sládkovičovo. Sliač, Snina, Spišská Belá, Spišská Nová Ves, Spišská Stará Ves, Spišské Podhradie, Spišské Vlachy. Stará Ľubovňa, Stará Turá, Strážske, Stropkov, Stupava, Svätý Jur. Svidník, Svit, Šahy, Šaľa, Šamorín, Šaštín Stráže, Štúrovo, Šurany. Tisovec, Tlmače, Topoľčany, Tornaľa, Trebišov, Trenčianske Teplice, Trenčín, Trnava, Trstená, Turčianske Teplice. Turzovka, Tvrdošín, Veľké Kapušany, Veľký Krtíš, Veľký Meder, Veľký Šariš, Vráble, Vranov Nad Topľou, Vrbové, Vrútky, Vysoké Tatry. Zlaté Moravce, Zvolen, Žarnovica, Želiezovce, Žiar Nad Hronom, Žilina